Our Experience in Doctor Appointment Booking App Development

While we haven’t worked on a standalone doctor booking app yet, we’ve worked on several apps that include a scheduling component and a couple of healthcare apps with specific patient-doctor scheduling features.


Our Experience in Doctor Appointment Booking App Development

Helpkin is an on-demand babysitting app that allows friends to coordinate and trade their free time to help each other. Naturally, the scheduling component with timetables is a crucial part of the experience. And we’re proud to report that our UX and development efforts were not in vain: This client’s app has been recently acquired by Wana.


Genium is a dermatology app that provides users advice on skincare based on our customer’s DNA interpretation services. One of the options that are going to be available to patients is scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist. This feature is going to integrate with the on-device calendar as well.


We hope we’ve shed some light on things you need to consider when making a medical appointment solution. We’ll answer some of the common questions we get about this topic in the FAQ below, but please reach out with any specific questions, e.g., how to integrate with voice assistants like Siri or Alexa. We’ll be happy to take you on this exciting journey. Because the time to build an application for a doctor appointment is now!